The family is the fundamental unit of Church and society and the primary place of Christian development.
“Family” includes single, divorced, widowed, married, with or without children, young or elderly, two-parent families, single-parent families, step-families, families with special needs and families in the various life cycles of development.
The Adult and Family Ministry Office strives to affirm, support, and strengthen all facets of family within the parish community by providing services, programs and opportunities for formation, enrichment, healing and spiritual renewal.
“The well-being of the individual person in the human and Christian society is intimately linked with the healthy condition produced by marriage and family.” (Vatican II, Gaudium et Spes, para.12)
Volunteers and staff provide outreach in the following ministry areas:
Family Faith: Strong Catholic Families Strong Catholic Youth provides a Resource Booklet that includes a Family Faith Inventory (p. 8) and a Family Faith Development Plan (p.11).
Bereavement Ministry: Provides resources for individuals, families and groups to process grief in a healthy and holistic manner. Assists families with funeral liturgy planning.
Silver Seniors: A collaborative effort of Senior Citizen's from St. Luke and HFN meet monthly for a potluck luncheon and fellowship, and gathers periodically for other activities. The monthly luncheons stop for a summer hiatus.
Networking, Education, and Special Services: Referral and resources for families affected by loss of job, abuse, broken relationships, and other special needs.
Confidential Counseling Referrals
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